Loch Fyne Fish Restaurant, 24 Milsom Street, City Centre

External work to repoint and clean stone.
Our Response

BPT is generally supportive of the proposed stone repair works to address ongoing vegetative growth and damage. Works to address areas of identified material deterioration are commended; we encourage a programme of ongoing repairs, following the ‘stitch in time’ approach, to ensure that smaller issues are not allowed to develop into more substantial problems in the future. Further remedial works to address the source of issues, such as the leaking downpipes, is encouraged to minimise future issues and associated damage.

The reconstruction of part of the parapet balustrade is considered acceptable where there are indicated to be ongoing structural concerns, and an associated health and safety risk to pavement users.

We are supportive where proposed remedial works are indicated to be ‘like for like’ and would be materially sympathetic with the construction and finish of a listed building. Where any putty repairs are proposed to be undertaken to address existing cracks and holes in the masonry, we recommend that the proposed colour and finish are sampled to ensure a seamless finish with the surface colouring and texture of the stonework.

Application Number: 23/01357/LBA
Application Date: 11/04/2023
Closing Date: 13/05/2023
Address: Loch Fyne Fish Restaurant, 24 Milsom Street, City Centre
Our Submission Status: Support