Land At Rear Of 6, Bloomfield Drive, Bloomfield, Bath
The proposed site of tree works is immediately north of the historic walled gardens within the curtilage of the Grade II* late 18th century terrace at Bloomfield Crescent, situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. The site is located within a Site of Nature Conservation Interest along with the wooded land associated with Stirtingale Farm to the west. Within the Entry Hill, Perrymead and Prior Park Character Appraisal, the “mixed deciduous woodland at the Tumps, above and east of Bloomfield Road” is clearly identified as part of the “open fields and woodland” features within this character area, which contribute to the wider conservation area. This incorporates the site of the proposed tree works, which cumulatively adds to the “semi-rural”, secluded character of the area enclosed with “significant bands of woodland”. It features in significant long-range views across the city from Corston View, as well as views from “Kelston, Lansdown Ridge and Beckford’s Tower, Weston, Newbridge, Royal Crescent, and Camden”.
As such, the wooded site as a whole forms part of the Green Setting OUV of the World Heritage Site as part of the undeveloped hillside setting and “compact and sustainable” form of the city.
We acknowledge the justification for the proposed felling of the dead and infected trees identified, particularly in relation to the wider arboricultural health of the site. However, we highlight the value of this site as a densely-wooded area of aesthetic and ecological interest which forms the semi-rural backdrop of the Bloomfield Road area, and in wider views across the World Heritage Site. We therefore strongly emphasise the importance of maintaining appropriate tree cover in this area to appropriately mitigate the potential erosion of tree cover and the green, wooded character of the conservation area. In this instance, planting of an appropriate species in an appropriate location should be considered to offset the proposed felling works.
We further encourage the consideration of an overall woodland management plan or partnership across this significant tract of wooded land, although appreciate this may be complicated by shared/multiple ownership, the boundaries of which are as yet unclear.