Kings Head, 40 High Street, Upper Weston, Bath
The King’s Head is a Grade II late 18th century public house situated in the Upper Weston area of the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. The primary elevation features a painted Bath stone ashlar treatment and finely articulated six-over-six timber sash windows.
There appears to be some confusion regarding the documents provided, as the Heritage Statement included does not deal with the cleaning and repointing works proposed.
However, in principle we are supportive of the proposed remedial works for the overall health and improved architectural appearance of a listed building.
However, we ask that more information is provided regarding the treatment of the principal street elevation and the proposed extent of DOFF cleaning. It would be beneficial to clarify if it is proposed to remove the exterior paintwork which is currently in a poor condition across both the main body of the building and the long left wing; we feel that this would enhance the special historic and architectural interest of the building. We encourage the officer to ask for further details regarding the proposed scope and nature of works for a more complete assessment of the alterations and associated impact proposed to a listed building.