Erection of fence to boundary wall adjacent to Sion Road.
Our Response

23 Sion Hill is an unlisted property within the Sion Hill and Upper Lansdown character area of the Bath conservation area and World Heritage boundary. The area is noted for its “coherence” of green infrastructure including mature trees and shrub cover visible within the streetscape. Property boundaries are characteristically defined through the use of “high natural Bath stone boundary walls and hedges.”

Consequently, BPT strongly opposes the proposed use of wooden boundary fencing that conflicts with the primary visual character of the area. We feel that the replacement of the original boundary hedge with wooden fencing would be incongruous and aesthetically jarring, and will ultimately erode the local distinctiveness of this location within Bath’s conservation area.

We would encourage the use of a natural stone boundary wall and hedge.
This application in its current form is therefore contrary to the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, section 16 of the NPPF, and Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan Policies CP6, D1-D5, D10, HE1, NE2, NE2A, B1, B4, and BD1 and should be refused.

Application Number: 19/03941/FUL
Application Date: 05/09/2019
Closing Date: 10/10/2019
Address: Kelso House, 23 Sion Road, Lansdown
Our Submission Status: Object