K C Change, 13 Abbey Church Yard, City Centre
13 Abbey Church Yard is a Grade II early 18th century house with ground floor shop situated in the core of the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. It forms part of the streetscape setting of multiple listed heritage assets including the Grade I Bath Abbey, the Grade II* Concert Room, and the Grade I Grand Pump Room. It overlooks the Scheduled Monument site of the Grade I Roman Baths.
The Trust queries how the proposed logo would be applied to the glazing over the entrance window. It is unclear as to whether a fascia board would be applied over the surface, or an internal/external vinyl utilised. It is additionally unclear regarding whether the existing awning would be removed or replaced. This is of particular interest because the existing awning frame appears to be either traditional in design, or could possibly be an original feature. The conservation area is defined by its retention of traditional shop frontage and signage vernacular customised to the particular material and colour palette of Bath’s historic building stock. Should the awning be replaced, we would therefore discourage the use of modern plastic or vinyl equivalents which would sharply contrast with the frontage of a listed building, and would instead encourage quality materials such as canvas to be considered. We would ask that these details are clarified for the benefit of the LPA.