Ivy Cottage, 7 Rosemount Lane, Lyncombe
Creation of 1no parking space to front of dwelling
Our Response There is not enough information in the application to properly assess the proposal. The large retaining wall with arch is a positive feature on this lane within the conservation area as is the smaller wall with railings. The high wall also appears to be functional as a retaining structure. We are concerned regarding the removal of this structure/alteration of this structure and what the area/house/drive would look like following the works, therefore we recommend the applicant provide further information such as an elevation drawing to show the house and ‘drive’ post-alteration, and also that the applicant consult a structural engineer for advice regarding the retaining wall
Application Number: 18/02059/FUL
Application Date: 14/06/2018
Closing Date: 14/06/2018
Address: Ivy Cottage, 7 Rosemount Lane, Lyncombe
Our Submission Status: Comment