Inspecs Limited, 7 – 10 Kelso Place, Lower Weston, Bath

Installation of 2 x electric car charger units (2 sockets per unit) (Retrospective).
Our Response

The proposed site of works is the car park associated with 7-10 Kelso Place, formerly Kelso House, a Grade II mid-19th century building associated with Bath’s historic Gasworks situated within the Bath City-Wide Conservation Area and World Heritage Site. The existing car park is located to the rear of the building backing onto the river, partially occupying the former footprint of an associated roadside outbuilding which has since been demolished with the exception of its retained façade. The car park is entirely enclosed from the road and is not publicly visible. Views from the south are limited by an enclosing boundary wall and associated planting, and may only be glimpsed from a rear access road off Midland Road.

BPT is generally supportive of works for the installation of EV parking provision where this would provide capacity for lower-carbon vehicle alternatives on the site. The charger units would be ground mounted and as such would not require any fixings to the building façade. It is noted that the internal map as submitted appears to show a cable exit point through rear elevation at lower ground floor level; where possible, it is generally recommended that any new fixing points or drill holes are focused on mortar joints to minimise the need to drill into historic stonework.

Application Number: 22/03132/FUL
Application Date: 14/04/2023
Closing Date: 17/05/2023
Address: Inspecs Limited, 7 - 10 Kelso Place, Lower Weston, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment