Hobgoblin, 47 St James’s Parade, Bath
Internal and external alterations to renovate and repair building including replacement of windows, revised exterior colour scheme and reinstatement of traditional signage using existing ironwork.
Our Response Whilst we are pleased to see that the applicant has revised his application to take account of concerns regarding the colour of the exterior (amongst other things), we remain confused and concerned regarding this application. Farrow and Ball produce a Lamp Room Grey colour (which is quite a light grey) and Little Greene produce a Lamp Black (which a very dark grey) – which colour is proposed as the description of the paint colour combines the two ‘Little Greene Lamp Room Grey’? In our view a lighter grey would be more appropriate as a detail colour combined with white (though the white colour should be a muted off white not bright white). We concur however with BHW that the best result for the listed building would be to remove the paint finish altogether and allow the stone underneath to breathe and perform as it should. As this is not probably logistically or financially possible we trust the case officer will find the best colour scheme and type of paint (breathable etc) to ensure no further harm comes to the listed building in terms of fabric or appearance.
Application Number: 17/05863/LBA
Application Date: 30/11/2017
Closing Date: 17/05/2018
Address: Hobgoblin, 47 St James's Parade, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment