Ground Floor, 6 Henrietta Street, Bathwick, Bath
6 Henrietta Street forms part of a Grade I Georgian terrace 6-19 Henrietta Street by Thomas Baldwin, situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It faces onto 20-35 Henrietta Street, which is also Grade I listed and contemporary in design and age, whilst backing onto the gardens of multiple, individually listed late Victorian terraced dwellings along Grove Street. As part of an “incomplete, truncated terrace”, it forms part of the unfinished, speculative Georgian development of the Pulteney Estate, and is therefore a significant evidential aspect of the Georgian Town Planning and Georgian Architecture OUV of the World Heritage Site. It possesses strong group value as part of a “monumental ensemble[s]” of interconnecting, grandly articulated terraces. 6 Henrietta Street includes a four storey rear offshoot which appears to be present from at least mid-19th century in a matching Bath stone ashlar construction.
BPT does not typically comment on internal alterations without the benefit of a site visit. However, we are surprised at the lack of detail provided considering the significant Grade I status of the building; in accordance with paragraph 194 of the NPPF, “the level of detail should be proportionate to the assets’ importance”. With regards to the internal wall proposed for removal, we query whether it may be of some historic significance considering its structural, load-bearing function and described “masonry” construction, but this is not elaborated on as part of the Heritage Statement. We therefore consider that further information and assessment appropriate to the significance of the listed building is provided that can then be more appropriately weighed against the proposed public benefit of the scheme.