Grey Courtledge, Richmond Road, Beacon Hill, Bath
Grey Courtledge is an unlisted mid-19th century building, situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It is located next to the Grade II early 19th century detached villa York Place; there is some indication from historic map progressions that Grey Courtledge originally formed part of the domestic curtilage of York Place, previously Beechfield, and may have historically functioned as a coach house or stables. The site has since been subdivided, with the 20th century dwelling Hunters Leigh built to the north, and a separate vehicular access created to Grey Courtledge in 2012. Whilst set back from the road via a long private drive, the principal elevation of Grey Courtledge does have some visibility from Richmond Road and contributes to the largely harmonious palette of material palette within the area of mixed Bath stone ashlar and rubble stone. This is a materiality that is strengthened by long, unbroken stretches of rubble stone boundary walls throughout this character area of the conservation area. There are some examples of painted facades along the Grade II Richmond Place terraces.
BPT remains opposed in-principle to the use of render on principle street-facing elevations, particularly within the setting of a listed building and the conservation area. The extensive use of render would have a sharp and bright appearance within Bath’s primarily natural Bath stone context, and would therefore would neither conserve nor enhance the appearance and character of the conservation area. We strongly encourage the retention of the existing natural stone finish on the entrance extension as more visually coherent with the rest of the building and the wider setting of the conservation area.
We note proposals for the new roof to the entrance extension specifies “plain tiles” and shows a variegated finish in the proposed elevations. We recommend further material details are specified here, and suggest a clay tile to match the existing roofscape is selected to ensure a cohesive visual finish.