Gracie Barra, 49 Upper Bloomfield Road, Odd Down, Bath

Change of use of storage area and erection of 2 holiday lets with car port. – (revised description).
Our Response The Trust objects to the applications related to the old Wansdyke Inn. In our opinion the applicant has shown lack of regard for the planning system.  The loss of the public house and the change of use should have been subject to a viability assessment and consultation with the local community as it was a community asset. The provision of an HMO should likewise have been consulted upon in the usual way prior to its establishment. The HMO looks to be an example of where adequate residential amenity (i.e. communal areas) has been ignored in favour of maximum profit from bedrooms and the issue of car parking is clearly of concern to local residents. Similarly the building of 3 new units to the rear of the property has not been properly considered or justified, especially in relation to appearance within the streetscape or impact on local amenity.  We are very concerned by this type of abuse of the system where the applicant has gone ahead without consideration of due process as to impact, potential harm or the right of the local community to be consulted.
Application Number: 17/02255/FUL
Application Date: 11/05/2017
Closing Date: 30/08/2017
Address: Gracie Barra, 49 Upper Bloomfield Road, Odd Down, Bath
Our Submission Status: Object