External alterations to remove existing garden room, and replace with Orangery.
Our Response

4 Beckford Road is a Grade II mid-19th century detached Italianate villa situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site, and is attributed to local architect HE Goodridge. The building is set back from the road behind a combined boundary treatment of a low ashlar stone wall and green planting and consequently its principal frontage is largely obscured from public view. The rear of the street is clearly visible from Forester Road, including the upper storeys of 4 Beckford Road, but the 20th century lower ground floor extension remains mostly concealed with only the flat roof visible, and is therefore of low visual significance to the appearance and character of the conservation area.

Whilst proposed elevations have now been submitted, we were surprised that this application was validated in the absence of crucial plans and drawings regarding the proposed development, without which this proposal could not be coherently assessed with regards to any potential impact to the special architectural or historic interest of a listed building.

We note that the D&A Statement proposes “modern powder coated aluminium windows… along with matching sliding folding doors giving access to the garden terrace”. Whilst we note that the bifolding doors are in reference to the proposed extension as indicated in the proposed elevations, it remains unclear as to where the aluminium-framed windows would be fitted as part of proposals. We therefore suggest that the case officer asks for further information regarding this aspect of the scheme to clarify whether this refers to potential window retrofits on the north elevation of the 20th century extension, or whether window replacements are proposed to the main 19th century body of the building.

Application Number: 21/00741/LBA
Application Date: 16/02/2021
Closing Date: 01/04/2021
Address: Garden Flat, 4 Beckford Road, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment