Flat A, 8 Norfolk Buildings, Kingsmead
8 Norfolk Buildings forms part of a Grade II* late Georgian terrace within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site.
BPT is not informed enough to comment on the proposed internal changes to the property, based on the information available in the application. However, we are disappointed regarding the retrospective nature of the application, with works having gone ahead without the relevant consent and impact assessment. We do not condone any unconsented alterations or changes to the fabric of a listed building.
Furthermore, in accordance with Section 7 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, any proposed material “alteration or extension” to a listed building is expected to be accompanied by an application for listed building consent. We would therefore recommend that either an LBA is submitted as part of the overall scheme, or any consultation with BANES officers regarding the justification of a lack of an LBA is included as part of this application.