Renew and upgrade the roof covering.
Our Response

21 Queen Square forms part of a Grade I early 18th century segment of terrace, at 21-27 Queen Square, situated within the Bath City-Wide Conservation Area and the World Heritage Site. It forms part of a key Georgian ensemble within the World Heritage Site that positively contributes towards its Georgian Town Planning & Architecture OUV.

We are supportive of proposed remedial works to the roof to remove the existing artificial slate (indicated to be asbestos) to be replaced in a natural slate. The use of a natural slate (even though Spanish rather than Welsh) would reinstate a more sympathetic and traditional material finish in keeping with the special interest of a listed building. Replacement of the later, non-historic roof coverings and reintroduction of a natural slate in this location is considered to be an enhancement.

Where it is proposed to construct scaffolding to facilitate roof works, we emphasise that that where possible scaffolding should be freestanding to minimise the need to drill into the stonework of a primary elevation of a listed building. Should fixings be unavoidable, these should be limited to the mortar joints to minimise irreversible damage. We would therefore recommend further details regarding the schedule of scaffolding be supplied to the LPA, and emphasise the need for a minimally invasive approach.

Application Number: 22/04870/LBA
Application Date: 17/03/2023
Closing Date: 29/04/2023
Address: Flat 7, 21 Queen Square, City Centre
Our Submission Status: Comment