Replacement of kitchen window to top floor flat with a “six-over-six” custom-built, wooden sash window.
Our Response

The existing window proposed for replacement is an existing four pane casement window, situated within the upper floor recess between the Grade II listed 13 Abbey Church Yard and the Grade I listed General Wade’s House. The window in its existing form and fenestration is evidently a later addition of limited historic interest; the application suggests it to be no more than 30 years old. It is indicated to be in a deteriorating condition and in need of replacement.

We are therefore supportive of the principle of the replacement of a non-historic window in a poor condition where this would be of negligible harm to historic fabric or the special interest of a listed building. Replacement offers a positive opportunity for the installation of a multi-pane sash window more in keeping with the traditional window design and finish of the listed building and the wider character and appearance of the city centre and Conservation Area. Works would therefore constitute a material enhancement.

We note that the replacement of an existing, non-historic window would have an added opportunity for the potential upgrade of the window with a slimlite double glazed traditional sash unit. Given the window’s recessed position set back from the principal façade and its ‘secondary’ visibility within the street frontage, this could be a suitable location for the installation of a more thermally efficient window to help reduce heat loss and improve the energy efficiency of a listed building.

Application Number: 23/01595/LBA
Application Date: 01/05/2023
Closing Date: 01/09/2023
Address: Flat 1, 13 Abbey Church Yard, City Centre
Our Submission Status: Support