First Floor Maisonette, 3 London Street, Walcot

Internal alterations for the installaltion of secondary glazing to 4 no. sash windows.
Our Response

3 London Street forms part of a series of ten Grade II terraced Victorian buildings, likely with a commercial ground floor and shopfront added in the 20th century. It is situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site.

The Trust is supportive of the installation of secondary glazing to improve the thermal performance of the building without compromising on its historic features. The installation in all four windows in the primary façade would help to unify any potential visual impact.

Application Number: 20/02936/LBA
Application Date: 14/08/2020
Closing Date: 18/09/2020
Address: First Floor Maisonette, 3 London Street, Walcot
Our Submission Status: Support