Field Between City Farm And Cotswold View, The Hollow, Southdown, Bath
BPT previously responded to applications 21/01588/FUL, 19/00786/FUL, and 15/02807/FUL, objecting in principle to the development of this significant, undeveloped hillside site within the World Heritage Site. We acknowledge that development for nine dwellings has since been permitted under the latest application 21/01588/FUL, although we maintain our previously-stated resistance to the development of this site.
With reference to the proposed materiality of the terraced dwellings, we considered that “the use of recon stone is of concern given the predominant building material within the area is natural Bath stone.” We therefore welcome the opportunity for the use of a natural Bath stone pending further details and samples as to the proposed material finish of the terraced façade. The plans appear to indicate the use of narrow “random Bath stone”; however, the surrounding streetscape is characterised by its predominant use of Bath stone ashlar and coursed blockwork. We consider the use of a random Bath rubble stone is more suited to a rural setting, and we therefore strongly recommend that the proposed elevational treatment should reflect surrounding examples of elevational treatment to positively reinforce local distinctiveness and townscape character.
We maintain the need for further design information regarding the proposed solar panels, considering their position on street-facing roof slopes. We encourage the use of inset monochrome solar panels with a matte, non-reflective finish to mitigate against potential sun glare in accordance with Policy SCR2 of the Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan.