External alterations for the installation of new entrance gates and related stone walls. Installation of guard railings. Re-instated chimney stack. Installation of upper terrace. Installation of south east boundary fence.
Our Response

The proposed replacement of existing railings on the north-east and north-west elevations with railings of a more traditional design is supported, although we recommend further details are provided to secure an appropriate material finish (eg. painted gloss black).

BPT previously suggested in response to withdrawn application 18/03040/FUL that “we would recommend the ‘cock and hen’ wall is raised to the level of the main boundary wall at this corner section as this would be a better outcome for the street scene and enhance the new gate arrangement.” We therefore maintain that the principle of elevating this wall, to be finished in a like-for-like cock ‘n’ hen style, would be acceptable, pending further details regarding the proposed material finish to ensure this is appropriate to the setting of a listed building.

However, we do not consider that the proposed “polished hardwood gates” would be appropriate. Whilst we acknowledge that the setting of Ensleigh House has been built up and is now more distinctly urban in character, the set-back of the property within a loosely planted generous garden setting has sustained some of the more rural qualities befitting the property’s historic standalone setting on the edge of the city. We therefore recommend that a more rural-style gate, such as a fence and post gate, would be more contextually sympathetic to the green setting of the listed building and its sustained relationship with its surrounding open landscape (particularly in views to the east).

Considering the proposed level of development on the site to provide a number of new structures (garage, carport, gym), as well as landscaping works to create a series of terraces and land levels to the south and east, there is currently a lack of adequate information as to how this would cumulatively affect the setting of the listed building, and its interrelated special interest. We further recommend relevant visual comparisons are provided, such as contextual elevations and sections, particularly in relation to the east elevation where the grounds open up to wider landscape views over Charlcombe and towards the City.

Application Number: 22/05006/LBA
Application Date: 15/12/2022
Closing Date: 20/01/2023
Address: Ensleigh House, Granville Road, Lansdown, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment