G1 (Approx. 40m of Conifer Hedge, up to 4m high) – Hedge has grown to large and has bare patches. Remove. To be replaced with fence.
Our Response

Eastfield is an unlisted 20th century detached dwelling situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It forms part of the Entry Hill area which is partially characterised by its high density of tree planting and areas of woodland through which residential development is interspersed. The result is a semi-rural atmosphere enhanced with glimpsed views of garden plots to further visually break up urban development in the area.

BPT is generally opposed to the installation of timber boundary fences in the streetscape which have an overly suburban character and are an unsympathetic alternative to boundary greening such as tree planting and hedging. However, we note that this application concerns the southern garden boundary which is set away from the roadside. We are therefore not opposed to these proposals where the boundary fence is set back and suitably concealed from public view.

Application Number: 22/01437/TCA
Application Date: 04/04/2022
Closing Date: 29/04/2022
Address: Eastfield, Lynbrook Lane, Lyncombe, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment