Internal and external alterations for the proposed restoration and renovation works to include alterations to basement floor, reinstating blocked windows, stone cleaning, replacing basement staircase, reinstating railings and displaying Suffragette…
Our Response

Eagle House is a Grade II* late 17th - early 18th century house situated within the contemporary suburbs of Batheaston. Whilst it possesses significant aesthetic and historic value for its scale and Neoclassical façade, it is socially and evidentially significant due to its regular use by suffragettes throughout the early 20th century.

Whilst the Trust welcomes efforts to enhance the appearance of designated heritage assets through maintenance and repair, we are disappointed that aspects of this application, such as external repairs, are retrospective, with works having gone ahead without listed building consent. We do not condone any unconsented alterations or changes to the fabric of a listed building. We note that the D&A Statement explains that the repairs occurred before listed building consent was obtained “to take advantage of the better weather pre winter”; we would strongly recommend that any consultation with BANES officers regarding this choice is included as part of this application.

Without a site visit, BPT is not suitably informed to comment on the proposed internal changes to the building.

We feel that this application is lacking in detail regarding the proposed external changes. Without the provision of up to date existing and proposed elevations, the Trust is unable to conduct a fully-informed assessment of the application. We are unable to coherently plot areas of change, such as the proposed reopening of blocked windows.

Furthermore, we are unsure as to why a casement window design has been selected. The façade of the building is strongly characterised by the uniform presence of twelve-over-twelve sash windows, with eight-over-eight dormer sash windows. Therefore, regardless of the smaller size of the window reveal, we feel the two-by-two casement design is wholly inappropriate, and out of keeping with the appearance of a Grade II* listed building. Furthermore, it remains uncertain as to what type of glazing has been utilised; the Trust would strongly recommend the use of slim-line glazing over double glazing where there is no loss of historic fabric.

The Trust does not object to the replacement of the existing railings. We feel that the proposed design is neater and more appropriate in design, although we would recommend that the new railings are painted black to maintain a discreet appearance.

Application Number: 19/05360/LBA
Application Date: 12/12/2019
Closing Date: 17/01/2020
Address: Eagle House, 71 Northend, Batheaston
Our Submission Status: Comment