Courtyard Apartment, 16 Camden Crescent, Lansdown
16 Camden Crescent forms part of a Grade I Georgian Crescent situated in the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. The Crescent is noted for its shared uniformity and symmetrical façade design, and remains a positive aspect of Bath’s Georgian plan form and designed connection between the built and natural landscape; it therefore strongly contributes to the Georgian Town Planning attributes of the OUV of the World Heritage site.
BPT has no comments regarding the proposed internal changes.
The Trust does not feel that adequate documentation has been provided regarding the proposed external changes to a Grade I listed building. In particular, we are concerned with the lack of information available regarding the proposed repairs of a window on the front elevation. It is impossible to judge the visual impact of repairs on the overall appearance of a listed building without the provision of existing and proposed elevation drawings, on which the position of the window in question is clearly highlighted.
Furthermore, we would strongly recommend the submission of further details regarding the historic significance of the window, such as whether it contains historic glazing, and the proposed means of repair. Without this information, the LPA cannot make a fully-informed decision as to the suitability of the proposal, and this application cannot be permitted to progress further.