Installation of two vinyl signs on existing stone plinths (Retrospective).
Our Response

This application concerns the sign for the Combe Grove Hotel, a Grade II Georgian country house, now hotel, situated in the Bath & Bristol Green Belt and Cotswolds AONB. The sign is located on the grounds of the hotel; whilst it is not historic, and therefore does not fall within the curtilage listing, it does positively contribute towards the inactive setting of a Grade II listed building through its sympathetic use of traditional materials and recessive design.

BPT feels that the existing sign is an attractive and positive contributor to the setting of a Grade II listed building, and the addition of vinyl graphic panels is of distinct detriment to the area’s appearance due to the use of contrasting, modern materials. We feel it to be a shame to lose the character of the existing incised stone sign, and would like to ask why the existing sign cannot be cleaned and reused, rather than covered up with an inferior alternative.

Application Number: 20/00694/AR
Application Date: 26/02/2020
Closing Date: 18/03/2020
Address: Combe Grove, Brassknocker Hill, Monkton Combe
Our Submission Status: Comment