Church Farm, North Stoke Lane, North Stoke

External alterations for the replacement of existing window frames and glazing with new timber window frames and double glazing.
Our Response

Church Farm is a Grade II late 17th century farmhouse situated within the North Stoke village conservation area, the Bath Green Belt, and the Cotswolds AONB. It additionally forms part of the curtilage setting of the Grade II late 18th/early 19th century adjoining barn of a complementary vernacular style, and the historic farmyard layout. Church Farm remains a highly visible example of North Stoke’s prevalent usage of Bath coursed rubble stone with ashlar quoins and Cotswold roof slates, and the well-preserved use of natural vernacular materials and forms within the village core.

The Trust previously objected to application 20/01717/LBA which initially proposed window replacements. This aspect of the scheme was excluded prior to the application’s consent.
Where windows are of a non-historic origin in a listed building, the Trust is favourable of their replacement with slimline equivalents where deemed visually appropriate. In light of the current Climate Emergency, it is crucial to find an equilibrium between reduced CO2 emissions and the conservation of traditional building details and historic fabric, as well as ensuring the future sustainability of historic buildings as comfortable, modern-day homes whilst resulting in a less than substantial harm to a Grade II listed building.

The Trust remains interested in working with applicants to reach an acceptable solution and getting better understanding of the existing window condition and design. We further feel that schemes to install slimline or vacuum glazing can provide an invaluable opportunity to monitor the thermal and acoustic efficiency of the windows, before and after, whilst also observing any additional repercussions such as changes in humidity levels. This information could then be used to more accurately assess the suitability of slimline installation in Bath’s historic building stock.

However, this application hasn’t provided sufficient information to determine the suitability of slimline installation in this particular building. Whilst existing window sections have been included, we strongly recommend proposed window sections are uploaded to the planning portal to enable an accurate assessment of changes in fenestration and glazing thickness and how these would be fitted within the unique measurements of the building’s stone mullions and transoms before this application can progress further.

Application Number: 20/04535/LBA
Application Date: 27/11/2020
Closing Date: 24/12/2020
Address: Church Farm, North Stoke Lane, North Stoke
Our Submission Status: Comment