Callisto, 6 Hanover Street, Walcot, Bath

Internal alterations to convert part of the existing hallway from the entrance to the basement vaulted spaces into an enclosed W.C. and utility room, to include addition of two new…
Our Response

6 Hanover Street forms part of a Grade II late 18th century terrace, 1-6 Hanover Street, situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It forms part of the grouped setting of the adjacent Grade II 7-12 Hanover Street. 6 Hanover Street is located at the westernmost end of the terrace and unusually presents its single bay side elevation to the street, with the principal building access and detailed three bay façade facing west. It also incorporates a substantial, three storey mid-19th century extension to the rear. The terrace is a typically elegant example of its housing type with a uniform shared façade of Bath stone ashlar that steps down the north-south slope towards the valley floor, made up of a series of two bay dwellings transitioning into grander three bay dwellings towards the southern end.

The use of a limewash to mitigate against damp ingress within the vaults would be an acceptably limited intervention in this context and meets with BPT’s general guidance regarding the treatment of vaults in Bath. We note that the vaults are proposed to be used as storage areas and as such would be suitably ancillary to the main domestic function of the building.

We trust that the proposed limewash mix would be secured either as part of this application or through a Condition.

Application Number: 22/02851/LBA
Application Date: 02/08/2022
Closing Date: 02/09/2022
Address: Callisto, 6 Hanover Street, Walcot, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment