American Museum In Britain, Claverton Manor, Claverton Hill, Claverton

Provision of children’s play area using natural materials and associated landscaping.
Our Response

This application concerns the Grade II Park and Garden setting of the American Museum, a Grade I late Georgian country house that has been a museum of American arts and culture since 1961. It forms a central part of the Claverton conservation area, whilst additionally contributing to the indicative landscape setting of the Bath World Heritage site, Green Belt, and Cotswolds AONB.

BPT is generally supportive of the proposal to provide outdoor facilities to better cater for children and family groups as part of the museum experience. Whilst we appreciate the sensitivity of a Grade II Park and Garden, and the potential impact on the immediate setting of a Grade I building, we feel that the play area’s position adjacent to the modern Exhibition building and café will be suitably screened from the panoramic views from the Terrace.
With regards to the proposed play area, we are in favour of the minimal, neutral design that utilises a natural palette such as hardwood timber to better integrate the development into its largely wooded surroundings. We are pleased to see that additional works such as the repair and replacement of the timber park boundary fencing are being incorporated into this scheme.

In relation to Policy CP8 of the Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan, we feel that due to the low density layout of the play area, with efforts made to conceal aspects such as the Eagle’s Nest amongst the tree cover to the north of the site as shown in the proposed visuals and planting plan, this application will have a minimal effect on the openness and rural character of the Green Belt. The addition of further tree planting and the creation of grassland and wildflower habitat will further enhance the green appearance of the site.

Application Number: 20/00757/FUL
Application Date: 24/02/2020
Closing Date: 26/03/2020
Address: American Museum In Britain, Claverton Manor, Claverton Hill, Claverton
Our Submission Status: Support