Albany Guest House, 24 Crescent Gardens, Kingsmead

Proposed change of use from Guest House to 3 No. Residential Apartments.
Our Response

We note that application 21/04667/FUL has previously been granted planning permission for the replacement of the existing dormer window on the front roof slope with a slightly enlarged two-bay sash replacement. However, this building has been the subject of enforcement action due to the build-out of a street-facing dormer window that is significantly larger in height, scale, and massing than that shown in the permitted drawings. The extension as built remains unauthorised and therefore should not be included as a material planning consideration or a precedent to further justify alterations to this roof slope.

The Victorian/Edwardian terrace at Crescent Gardens, whilst unlisted, does contribute to the overall character and appearance of the conservation area. The terrace largely retains a shared pitched roof profile which is intermittently broken with street-facing gable ends and the parapets of bay windows. These features are used intentionally, with gable ends generally used to bookend the central terrace in a symmetrical fashion. There are already examples of large dormers on the street-facing roof pitch which have already resulted in detriment to the shared appearance of the terrace and its contribution to the conservation area.

We acknowledge that there is already a single bay dormer in situ on the front-facing roof slope, as well as extant planning permission for its replacement. However, within this context we express a strong preference for the use of a more recessive alternative such as rooflights (which have already been used at a number of neighbouring properties within a similar context) to minimise the perceived residential ‘activation’ of the front roof slope and sustained the shared form and balanced appearance of the terrace.

Should the principle of a front-facing roof dormer be considered acceptable, we maintain that this should be no larger in height, scale, massing, or width than that previously proposed within application 21/04667/FUL. The current proposed drawings appear to indicate a slight widening of the dormer, which would result in a perceived increase in the build-out of this roof slope and associated detriment, with no corresponding increase in public benefit.

Application Number: 22/04662/FUL
Application Date: 17/11/2022
Closing Date: 22/12/2022
Address: Albany Guest House, 24 Crescent Gardens, Kingsmead
Our Submission Status: Comment