Internal and external alterations for the installation of new boiler and external boiler flue.
Our Response

30B Belvedere forms part of a Grade II late Georgian shop, located close to the core of the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. Consequently, any external changes to this building need to be considered with regards to not only the potential loss of historic fabric and impact on a listed building, but the wider historic environment.

BPT acknowledges the need for the update of the current building’s heating system. However, we feel this is a missed opportunity to integrate a system that utilises a more sustainable, carbon neutral energy source such as electricity, in response to the recent Climate Emergency.

Whilst the Trust does not object to the installation of a flue in the rear wall, we would recommend that a more appropriate material be used in place of black plastic, such as stainless steel. This will reduce the visual harm to the façade of the building through the use of higher-quality materials, whilst reducing the likelihood of later replacement.

Application Number: 19/04256/LBA
Application Date: 30/09/2019
Closing Date: 25/11/2019
Address: Ainsleys Cottage, 30B Belvedere, Lansdown
Our Submission Status: Comment