Change of use from C3 to C4 with 4m rear extension, new parking space for 1 car and bicycle storage for 4 to 6 bikes.
Our Response

BPT strongly emphasises that the close, pedestrian proximity of family facilities such as St Michael's Junior Church School make this an attractive, convenient, and appropriate property for families. A change of use to a HMO would not serve the local demand for housing in this area and would result in the loss of suitable family accommodation. Approval of this application would maintain an undesirable precedent and should therefore be resisted.

There are some further concerns about the proposed increased capacity of the dwelling from 2x to 6x beds and the potential impact on the surrounding residential amenity of the area, as well as whether sufficient internal shared amenity space would be provided for the proposed occupants. We trust this will be considered by the case officer.

Application Number: 23/03158/FUL
Application Date: 24/08/2023
Closing Date: 16/09/2023
Address: 93 Newton Road, Twerton, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment