Erection of elevated deck in the front garden.
Our Response

9 Calton Road forms part of what appears to be a late 19th century residential terrace within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. As viewed from the north on Calton Road, the shared garden appearance of the terrace is of a steep, sloped topography set above the road with a largely coherent stone boundary wall treatment. Dense planting of trees and shrubs in this area positively contributes to the perceived overall greening of the streetscape which is otherwise typically characterised by the high-density terraced forms to the south and west. Alternatively, the visual prominence of the Calton Road gardens within the street scene acts as a transition into the denser tree belt along the northern edge of Calton Gardens.

We therefore encourage the consideration of sustaining and enhancing the green, well-planted characteristics of this terraced garden setting wherever possible. The proposals would introduce a large volume of hard landscaping into the area, but this may be appropriately mitigated by the retention of suitable planting/greening along the northern garden boundary. Nonetheless, we take this opportunity to question how visible the proposed landscaping works would be from the public realm, particularly taking into account the slope of the site and its elevated position over the road.

Application Number: 22/03089/FUL
Application Date: 31/08/2022
Closing Date: 06/10/2022
Address: 9 Calton Road, Lyncombe, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment