Installation of boundary fence (Retrospective).
Our Response

8 Victoria Buildings forms part of a Grade II mid-19th century residential terrace situated within the Bath World Heritage Site and the indicative landscape setting of the Bath conservation area. It forms part of a longer series of Grade II early to mid-19th century terraced dwellings at 1-27 Victoria Buildings and forms a significant stretch of unbroken, two-storey terraced housing stepped down at either end within the Lower Bristol Road streetscape. The terrace remains largely homogenous in appearance despite later alterations such as replacement windows and doors as well as some variation in the street-facing boundary treatment along Lower Bristol Road. This variability extends to the boundary treatment of the rear strip garden plots attached to each property, although there remains a prevalence of low coursed and ashlar stone boundary walls, later topped with additional screening for privacy such as timber boarding. These walls are considered to be curtilage Grade II listed.

We note that the existing garden appears to be undergoing landscaping works, based on the photos attached to the application, and as existing there is no indication of a stone boundary wall surviving to the rear of the dwelling. However, it is unclear as to what sort of boundary treatment was in use prior to the unauthorised erection of the existing timber fence. We therefore strongly encourage further details to be provided as part of this application to clarify the exact nature of the proposed works.

Where there was previously a boundary wall on the site, permission would be required for its demolition, as well as consideration for its possible curtilage inclusion within the Grade II listing of the main building.

Application Number: 22/00579/FUL
Application Date: 08/02/2022
Closing Date: 17/03/2022
Address: 8 Victoria Buildings, Twerton, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment