8 Dover Place, Walcot, Bath
8 Dover Place forms part of a Grade II early 19th century terrace situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. The terrace is modest in scale at two storeys and set on a sharp north-west – south-east slope along Bennett Lane, which forms a significant thoroughfare between Snow Hill and Camden Hill. It forms an early terraced intervention on the northern slope above Bath which experienced more significant infill from the later 19th century onwards. The terrace is traditional in form with Bath stone ashlar facades and an M-roof profile with Bath stone parapet, now painted in varying colours, and single bay articulation with a mix of two-over-two and eight-over-eight sash windows; whilst modest, it positively retains its traditional character and detailing. Part of the cumulative value of the terrace is attributed to its boundary treatment with low Bath stone boundary walls and capped piers, and a retained shared private access from Bennett Lane to the dwellings along the terrace as well as the plot strip front gardens, now largely converted with garages and off-street parking. There is evidence that the stone boundary walls and piers would have originally been fitted with wrought iron railings and gates, although these have now been majoritively removed along the terrace.
BPT is therefore supportive of the reinstatement of a traditional style wrought iron gate, using the original historic lead sockets in the stone pier, although a clearer design reference would be welcomed as part of proposals. We feel this would positively reinstate an attractive feature of aesthetic and architectural value to the uniform, well-balanced character and appearance of a Grade II terrace, and would preserve and enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area. The use of wrought iron is a positive return to the original material vernacular of the area and would enhance the special historic and architectural significance of a listed building. We feel this could set a positive example for the further reinstatement of gates, and possibly railings, in a matching style.
We do note that in the photographs provided, the pier proposed for the fixing of the new gate appears to have sustained significant cracking beneath the capping, and it is unclear as to its current structural and material condition. It is recommended that the pier is appropriately assessed and repaired as part of the proposals to ensure that the added load of the new gate does not result in undue stress or damage to the stonework.