8 Cavendish Crescent, Lansdown, Bath
8 Cavendish Crescent forms part of a terraced crescent of Grade II early 19th century terraced townhouses designed by John Pinch the Elder situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. The raised pavement and railings to the front of the crescent are individually Grade II listed. The crescent retains its grandiose, uniform appearance with rusticated doorway surrounds, multi-pane fanlight fenestration, first floor wrought iron balconettes, and raised stone surrounds around the first floor windows. The ground floor boundary treatment remains homogenous in the use of wrought iron railings and pennant stepped access to the front door over the lower ground floor lightwell; 8 Cavendish Crescent differs in this respect due to later concrete additions. As a monumental residential set piece, it forms part of the Georgian Architecture and Town Planning OUV of the World Heritage Site.
In principle, the proposed removal of the concrete to reinstate the historic pennant stone paving in a style similar to its neighbours is positive. However, this application currently appears to be incomplete, with no further information provided regarding the current condition of the steps, the works proposed, or the historic context of the building. The D&A/Heritage Statement is a screenshot of an OS survey map and fails to provide an adequate level of information required to make an appropriate assessment as to how the proposals would affect the special architectural or historic interest of a Grade II building. In its current format, we do not feel that a fully informed decision can be made on this application and strongly recommend that further documentation is submitted in line with the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, paragraph 189 of the NPPF, and Policy BD1 of the Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan.