8 Beaufort West, Lambridge
8 Beaufort West forms part of a Grade II late Georgian residential terrace situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. The terrace is set back from the road with generous private front gardens bordering the roadside. This has resulted in the planting of hedgerows to maintain privacy that have contributed to the verdant character of the streetscape, complementing the adjacent tree planting in front of Grosvenor Place.
BPT does not oppose the proposed external staircase to enable basement access via the existing entrance, although we would like to clarify if this access has a historical precedent at this property.
The Trust supports the reinstatement of “traditionally forged Bath finials”, and feel that this would be a positive replication of 8 Beaufort West’s historic boundary treatment that will enhance the appearance and character of the conservation area. We would recommend that lead is used to fix the railings into the coping stones rather than concrete to maintain the health of the existing boundary wall stonework.
However, we are uncertain regarding the application’s treatment of the existing hedge as part of the scheme, particularly regarding the absence of a hedge from the proposed elevations. We would strongly recommend that the hedge is retained behind the boundary wall to maintain the existing green boundary treatment across the terrace that positively contributes to the visual character of this region of the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site.