Change of use from a three bedroom dwelling (Use Class C3) into a five bed House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) (Use Class C4).
Our Response

BPT is supportive of the overall scheme of thermal upgrade works to improve the energy efficiency of the building, including internal retrofit works for the installation of floor and roof insulation, which may help save energy and reduce the energy costs for residents, particularly significant in the current cost of living crisis.

We further welcome the opportunity for the installation of PV panels on the side and rear roof slopes in response to the Climate Emergency, where this would facilitate the generation of low-carbon energy whilst contributing towards the Council’s targets for reaching net zero. The dwelling forms part of a built-up streetscape; the side and rear roof slopes are of some limited public visibility at close range but would otherwise be obscured in wider townscape views, and as such PV panels would be of very limited visual harm to the local area. It is further worth noting that there are examples of PV panels mounted onto street-facing elevations within the surrounding context of the dwelling (see 27 Evergreen Cottage). We continue to recommend that details of the proposed panels should be included. Where possible, panels should be of a monochrome, matt finish to minimise reflectivity and ensure these would visually blend in with the existing roof surface, in accordance with local Policy SCR2.

Regrettably, we cannot support this application for change of use which would result in the sandwiching of the property at 6 Barrow Road between two Class C4 HMO properties (see planning permission 19/01960/FUL for HMO use of 4 Barrow Road), and would likely result in disturbance to existing occupiers, with resulting detriment to residential amenity. As such the proposed change of use would be contrary to Policies H2 and D6 of the Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan and should be refused or withdrawn.

Application Number: 23/00853/FUL
Application Date: 03/03/2023
Closing Date: 30/03/2023
Address: 8 Barrow Road, Odd Down, Bath
Our Submission Status: Object