8-10 Old Bond Street, City Centre
8-10 Bond Street form part of a Grade II late 18th century terrace of houses, now with commercial ground floors, situated within the city core of the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. 8-10 Bond Street form a singular shop unit on the south end of the terrace facing onto Upper Borough Walls opposite the Grade II* Mineral Hospital, and consequently features a dual shop front across its south and west elevations, with an additional shop front window opening on its east elevation. Historic photographs from the 1960s and earlier show the shop door in the south elevation to have previously been located to the left hand side, rather than centralised as at present.
BPT has some concerns regarding the lack of information provided regarding the historic significance or the proposed changes to the east elevation. Whilst the Heritage Statement cites multiple historic planning applications for changes to the external shop front, it is unclear as to what changes have occurred along the eastern elevation. The Heritage Statement goes on to say that “the property exterior, particularly the east and west elevations, have remained largely unchanged across the years retaining its strong shopfront features with minimal alteration.” We therefore feel further consideration is necessary as to whether the opening up of the east elevation would result in a loss of historic fabric, or whether these openings were merely blocked up at a later date.