73 Poplar Close, Moorlands, Bath
Poplar Close is a suburban, post-war housing estate situated within the Bath World Heritage Site and the indicative townscape context of the conservation area. The area is of a medium density, with some examples of four storey accommodation blocks mixed with two storey terraced dwellings. This perceived density is reduced by the beneficial incorporation of landscaping throughout the site; dwellings are set back from the roadside with front gardens, grassed verges, and tree planting. Green areas allow for pedestrian access between streets. The estate forms part of the wider ‘Garden City’ movement implemented in residential developments along the southern residential periphery in Bath through the 20th century, and the retention of generous green spaces throughout the estate are of notable visual and residential amenity.
We previously objected to withdrawn application 21/03273/FUL; we maintain that there have been no major changes to the scheme (excluding the addition of a second off-street parking space) and we therefore maintain our previous objection as follows:
We maintain that the proposed development of an additional dwelling on this site would result in the unwelcome loss of the grassed verge in this area with resulting harm to the visual amenity of the area. We consider this new dwelling would be of detriment to the existing, positive green character of the streetscape.
The use of grassed verges to break up and set back development from the roadside is prevalent not only within the Poplar Close estate, but in other similar areas such as Moorfields Drive, Cameley Green, and Wedmore Park. We therefore emphasise concerns that should development be permitted on this site, this would set a harmful precedent for the intensification of Bath’s 20th century ‘Garden City’ developments and the loss of green landscaping and harm to the distinctive character of the area.
The development would result in the visual ‘build up’ of what has been retained as a more spacious, medium density area further softened by its greened setting.
This application is therefore contrary to Sections 11 and 12 of the NPPF and Policies B1, BD1, CP6, D1, D2, D3, D4, and D7 of the Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan and should be refused or withdrawn.