72-74 Lower Bristol Road, Westmoreland

Works to provide 8no flats (use class C3) and 1no cluster flat (HMO use class C4) with changes to retail space arrangement, erection of 3 storey rear extension and raising…
Our Response

Whilst we support the principle of refurbishment and further development on this site, we find that the proposed new parts of the scheme to be architecturally muddled and visually confusing in both design terms and in the range of the materials proposed. We would suggest that the applicant also provide further analysis and detail regarding the non-designated heritage asset as this may provide some context and design reference on which to base the design options for the new part of the scheme.

We suggest that the scheme should be simplified and rationalised in design and materials in order to allow it to sit more comfortably visually within the townscape and to remain subservient and complimentary to the historic building. In particular the design of the two left hand houses should be reinstated to give some detail back to the original building. In terms of the mansard, it would help if this was refined, set back and if the strong vertical divisions of the houses were maintained in the form of the mansard. In terms of the rear elevation, this is an awkward jumble and in our view it would be better if a simple contextually relevant terrace form was used to inspire the articulation of these elevations.

Application Number: 18/01811/FUL
Application Date: 29/05/2018
Closing Date: 29/05/2018
Address: 72-74 Lower Bristol Road, Westmoreland
Our Submission Status: Comment