Change of Use from C3 (Dwelling House) to 5 bedroom C4 (Houses in Multiple Occupancy).
Our Response We have some initial concerns about the potential overcrowding of this property resulting from the increase in scale from a 3-bed to a 5-bed dwelling, and the resulting impact on the residential amenity of the future occupiers of the dwelling. For instance, the existing living room/dining room would be converted into two new bedrooms at ground floor level, but the proposed floor plans appear to show the retention of a bi-folding door between the two rooms, with some implications as to whether the property would achieve appropriate levels of privacy for future occupiers, contrary to Policy D6. We trust this will be considered by the case officer as part of the decision-making process.
Application Number: 23/01497/FUL
Application Date: 24/04/2023
Closing Date: 09/06/2023
Address: 70 Combe Park, Lower Weston, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment