7 Sion Hill Place, Lansdown
While we welcome and fully support the principle of returning this architecturally significant house back to a single dwelling, however we are concerned about some elements of the proposed alterations. In particular the proposed modification to the chimney breast wall and recess, and the removal and reinstatement of the delicate enriched cornice would risk harm or loss of some historic fabric and historic plan form, and cause substantial harm to the significance of this grade I listed building. We would urge the applicants to submit a detailed method statement and specification of works to show how the cornice could be removed and reinstated in order to make a proper assessment of the impact.
We do not expect that it is possible to remove this type of plasterwork without the risk of causing considerable damage. The enriched cornice is of very high historic, architectural and artistic value and given its rarity as an intact interior of its period it should be protected in-situ.
We would encourage the owner to explore other ways of installing central heating to the upper floors.
We are also concerned about the impact of the second floor ‘jib door’ in the creation of access from the bedroom and bathroom. This would result in the loss of historic fabric and plan form. The harm is not justified outweighed or by need as the existing door from the landing is sufficient.
It cannot be demonstrated that the harm is necessary to achieve public benefit, therefore these elements of the proposed scheme would cause harm to the significance of the listed building and should be removed from the application.
The application in its current form would neither sustain nor enhance the significance of the heritage asset, and would fail to preserve the buildings features of special architectural or historic interest. And would therefore be contrary to Section 16 (Conserving and Enhancing the Historic Environment) of the NPPF, and the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, policies B1, B4, and CP6 of the B&NES Core Strategy and policies CP6, D2, HE1, BD1, B.4, B2 of the Placemaking Plan.