Display of advertisements for the new Casino at Sawclose.
Our Response

The Trust objects to this application on the basis that the proposed materials for this signage is unacceptable. The use of acrylic lettering with illumination is unacceptable and contrary to the SPD on signage in the conservation area. The fascia signs should be hand painted with no illumination. We agree with BHW that the proposed lettering is at odds with the character of the listed building. The proposed hanging sign in aluminium and acrylic with halo illumination is also unacceptable. If a hanging sign is agreed at all, it should be painted timber with hand painted signage and no illumination. The illuminated case is also an issue as it will clutter the elevation and therefore impact on the special interest of the listed building.

The proposed scheme would be harmful to the special interest of the designated heritage asset, would neither preserve nor enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area and would detract from the special qualities of the WHS. The scheme would be contrary to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) sections 16, 66 and 72, Section 12 (Conserving and Enhancing the Historic Environment) of the NPPF, policies B1, B2, B4, and CP6 of the B&NES Core Strategy and policies CP6, D.2, HE1, D.9, B.4, B.2 of the Placemaking Plan. We would therefore strongly recommend the application be withdrawn or refused.

Application Number: 18/00834/AR
Application Date: 26/03/2018
Closing Date: 26/03/2018
Address: 7 Sawclose, City Centre
Our Submission Status: Object