Interior alterations to shop layout at ground floor, installation of safety shutters at first floor, replacement of existing security alarm and decoration of existing external projecting sign and fascia.
Our Response Notwithstanding any issues relating to incomplete application documentation our comment is that we support the way that the signage has been completed. The hand painted fascia signage with the gold detailing is entirely appropriate for the historic street scene and the removal of illumination from the hanging sign is also supported. We do question however the assertion that an AR application is not necessary. The shop fascia colour and the character of lettering and signage has changed from the previous business and therefore we would expect that an AR application is necessary.
Application Number: 18/03087/LBA
Application Date: 11/07/2018
Closing Date: 31/08/2018
Address: 7 Green Street, City Centre
Our Submission Status: Comment