Internal and external alterations for the removal of a suspended water closet at first floor level, and replacement with a sash window and necessary masonry work to reinstate the original…
Our Response

7 Beaufort West forms part of a Grade II late 18th century residential terrace 1-7 Beaufort West situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It forms the streetscape setting for, and is contemporary to, the other Grade II listed ‘half’ of the terrace 8-17 Beaufort West. The terrace is set back from the road with generous private front gardens bordering the roadside; due to the angle of the terrace, 1-7 Beaufort West are set back further from the roadside and have significantly decreased public visibility from London Road, although views across the terrace from the north are maintained along St Saviours Way. This has resulted in the planting of hedgerows to maintain privacy that have contributed to the verdant character of the streetscape, complementing the adjacent tree planting in front of Grosvenor Place. The terrace rear forms part of the distinctive backland character of St Saviours Road; whilst 8-17 Beaufort West maintains a consistent shoulder height of four storeys and is distinctly homogenous in design, 1-7 Beaufort West is more varied in height and rear alterations. The rear elevation of 7 Beaufort West is clearly visible within the terrace’s rear streetscape, with its 1920s timber outrigger featuring in public views.

BPT acknowledges the outrigger forms part of the changing historic narrative of the building, and is an example of early 20th century alteration to suit the demands of contemporary residents. However, when considered as part of the listed building, it is an aspect of lower significance due to being a much later addition to the original late 18th century core, and its utilitarian appearance. It is described as “precarious” and an unusable space within the house due to being unfit for modern purpose.

We highlight the benefits of reinstating the building’s original external wall and historic appearance with a traditional 6-over-6 sash window, and the associated public benefit in improved visual amenity and the removal of a potentially unsafe structure that could result in damage to historic fabric in future, although the structural integrity of the outrigger has not been assessed as part of this application.

Application Number: 21/01663/LBA
Application Date: 06/04/2021
Closing Date: 14/05/2021
Address: 7 Beaufort West, Lambridge, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment