Internal and external alterations for the erection of detached single flat-roofed building (Music Room) on the West side of the property, an extension to create a hall/WC between the Main…
Our Response

7 Bathwick Hill is a Grade II early 19th century detached villa situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It forms part of the setting of a high concentration of Grade II villas and terraces following Bathwick Hill south-east, and marks an area of 19th century suburban development designed to purposefully embody a semi-rural, looser form of development with significant views out to the south and west. 7 Bathwick Hill is a two storey, slightly smaller example of Bathwick’s villa typology, with a balanced three bay façade and later, flanking additions of varying heights. The single storey garage to the right of the villa dates to the 1970s and is of no historic or material value.

Where the proposed bedroom and ensuite have been omitted from the garage, this has resulted in the stepping back of the eastern garage wall from the main body of the listed building and a general reduction in the scale of the proposed extension, which is welcomed.

The extensive use of render would have a sharp and bright appearance within Bath’s primarily natural Bath stone context, and would therefore would neither conserve nor enhance the appearance and character of the conservation area. BPT maintains that all elevations should be natural Bath stone ashlar, or could be painted in a colour to match the villa building.

With regard to the proposed standalone studio/music room, we note the potential visibility of this structure from Bathwick Meadows to the south of the building. Whilst the lower half of the building is indicated to be concealed by the ashlar boundary walls in southern views, there is a slight increase of visibility in wider views from the east where the meadow inclines. It is worth highlighting the building’s prominence in publicly-experienced views from Bathwick Meadows and its sensitivity as a significant aspect of Bath’s setting as a World Heritage Site. We maintain any structure to the rear should be of a suitably recessive height and scale to minimise potential visibility, as well as considering other potential factors such as lightspill where the current proposals implement a set of south-facing glazed bifolding doors.

Application Number: 23/01245/LBA
Application Date: 29/03/2023
Closing Date: 13/05/2023
Address: 7 Bathwick Hill, Bathwick, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment