65 Lyncombe Hill, Lyncombe
Internal and external alterations to include extension of existing rear cloakroom tower and conversion of first floor bathroom, alterations to dormer windows, external alterations to existing single storey sub-basement level…
Our Response Whilst we sympathise with the applicant’s wish to extend their property, the proposed extension does seem to be quite excessive and thus potentially harmful to the listed building and without any associated public benefit to outweigh the harm. The fact that an insensitive extension has been built next door is not justification for this level of intervention, on the contrary it actually shows how harmful the proposed scheme will be on the appearance and interest of the rear elevation. The scheme should be tweaked to be less dominant, perhaps with the extension being taken out but not up so the 2nd floor remains intact and without additions. We welcome the removal of the pediments to the dormer windows.
Application Number: 18/01327/LBA
Application Date: 05/04/2018
Closing Date: 03/05/2018
Address: 65 Lyncombe Hill, Lyncombe
Our Submission Status: Comment