Internal alterations to layout of building to facilitate change of use of first and second floor to cafe, external redecoration and erection of hanging sign.
Our Response

Whilst we welcome the sparseness of advertising, we have concerns regarding the proposed colour scheme which appears stark and non-traditional in our view. The use of brilliant white and black will be jarring in the streetscape and should be toned down to more muted colour tones, obviously the finish should be eggshell. The use of metal for a hanging sign is usually not appropriate (hand painted timber being more in keeping with the historic streetscape) but we leave this to the planning judgement of the case officer.

We assume an AR application will also be forthcoming for this signage.

Application Number: 18/01481/LBA
Application Date: 10/05/2018
Closing Date: 10/05/2018
Address: 6 New Bond Street Place, City Centre
Our Submission Status: Comment