6 Magdalen Avenue, Lyncombe, Bath
Regarding works to the boundary wall along the north and east elevations, it is proposed to replace the existing wall with “a slightly higher wall which provides a degree of privacy for the occupiers and safety for the children, largely without extending the existing wall and hedge overall coverage. The proposals are for a concrete rock face block wall (Terraforce flat face block) with intermittent pillars and metalwork fencing.” This would replace the existing low wall constructed in Bath stone ashlar.
It is recognised that there are a mix of building and material typologies for boundary treatments within the street scene; traditional boundary walls are predominantly finished in Bath stone ashlar with higher stone walls stepping up the east-west incline of the road on the north side, and low stone walls with rounded stone gate piers on the south side. In areas these walls have been replaced with modern infill in recon stone or concrete blocks, which have resulted in a somewhat incongruous contrast with the natural Bath stone palette of the terraced streetscape.
Replacement of the existing Bath stone boundary wall with a concrete block wall on a prominent, elevated corner of Magdalen Road would therefore be of detriment to the local streetscape and the appearance of the conservation area, and we recommend where feasible a replacement wall faced in a more sympathetic material (eg. Bath stone ashlar) is proposed.