Norway Maple located at 32-54 Bloomfield Road (T1 – Curo reference 3494) – Dismantle fell.
Our Response

54 Bloomfield Road forms part of a late 20th century terrace situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It forms part of the streetscape setting of the neighbouring Grade II early 19th century terrace at 2-28 Bloomfield Road. The focus of the proposed tree works is to the rear of the terrace in an open green space fronting onto both Bloomfield Green and the Bloomfield Road Allotments. The site is dominated by a group of four mature trees, all likely to be the same species. Based on their size and associated group value, the group of trees are considered to be a prominent feature visible from a key public amenity space in the Bloomfield area.

We acknowledge the necessity for the proposed removal of the tree, given its cited poor condition and ongoing decay. However, we continue to emphasise the positive qualities of this tree group in this area, contributing to local tree cover as well as being of positive amenity to the current residents. We therefore strongly encourage consideration of the planting of a new specimen to match to appropriately mitigate the proposed loss.

Application Number: 22/03584/TCA
Application Date: 08/09/2022
Closing Date: 06/10/2022
Address: 54 Bloomfield Road, Bloomfield, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment