5 Woodland Place, Bathwick Hill, Bathwick
5 Woodland Place forms part of a Grade II early 19th century terrace designed by H.E. Goodridge situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. The upper slopes of Bathwick Hill are typically characterised by the presence of detached villas within large, landscaped gardens and associated low density development. Woodland Place is therefore an unusual example of the terraced house type within this area of the conservation area whilst simultaneously being part of the earlier 1820s development of the upper section of Bathwick Hill, separated from the lower slopes by open plots of countryside. 5 Woodland Place retains a mid- to late 19th century coach house at the southern end of the garden, originally accessed via the residents’ access that runs the entire length of the terrace rear. By merit of its architectural and historic relationship with the main property, garden position, and continuity of ownership, this coach house is considered to curtilage listed and a significant, ancillary feature within the garden setting of a Grade II listed building.
The Trust encourages the consideration of a more active ancillary reuse for the coach house to ensure a continuity of cared-for use of benefit to its material and architectural integrity.
Regarding the proposed external alterations to the coach house, we query the insertion of roof lights onto the northern roof slope facing the terrace. We suggest that these could instead be relocated to the southern roof slope to ensure the retained, traditional roof profile of the building as viewed from 5 Woodland Place and the wider terrace, and preserve their architectural relationship in garden views.
However, there are some concerns regarding the proposed change of use to provide “ancillary accommodation”, and potential for the site to be used for separate residential purposes such as short term holiday lets. Considering the coach house’s curtilage Grade II listing and shared historical, architectural, and landscape relationship with 5 Woodland Place, we feel that the coach house should remain in ancillary use to the main property to avoid the potential for future standalone usage. We therefore suggest that this should be appropriately conditioned as part of any forthcoming permit/consent to ensure any proposed use, such as a home office, is exclusively for residents of 5 Woodland Place.