4A St Ann’s Place, Kingsmead, Bath
Variation of condition 4 (plans list) of application 21/00482/LBA (Internal alterations to accommodate replacement boiler, associated flue and pipework, new mechanical extract vent).
Our Response The proposed flue and grille cover should be a cream or buff colour to sit recessively against the Bath stone façade. Alternately, a colour that matches existing examples of RWPs already in situ may be considered to ensure a coherent appearance and finish that does not detract from the elevation’s appearance in streetscape views. Where possible, we recommend any fixings or new openings are concentrated on the mortared joints between the stonework to minimise as far as possible the irreversible loss of historic stonework.
Application Number: 23/02583/VAR
Application Date:
Closing Date: 11/07/2023
Address: 4A St Ann's Place, Kingsmead, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment