Variation of condition 12 of application 18/05513/FUL (Erection of 1 no. dwellinghouse).
Our Response

47 Edward Street is a new dwelling permitted under application 18/05513/FUL, previously within the garden curtilage of 14 Audley Grove, situated within the Lower Weston character area of the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. The site is located on a sharply elevated plot overlooking Audley Grove to the west, with views of the well-planted landscape towards Locksbrook Cemetery and the spire of the Grade II mid-19th century Gothic entrance lodge. Due to the dense boundary planting around the cemetery, the new dwelling would likely be largely obscured from potential external views, although some elevated visibility would be maintained from Audley View.

In light of the Climate Emergency, BPT is supportive of the principle of energy efficiency retrofits where sensitively integrated into, or considered against, the character and appearance of their setting.

Considering the potential for raised visibility from certain viewpoints, we therefore recommend further specification details are provided for the proposed PV panels to ensure possible visual harm is appropriately mitigated. BPT recommends the use of monochrome panels with a matte finish to minimise potential reflectivity or visible sun glare; a dark, muted colour would help the panels to more recessively integrate with their roofscape context.

Application Number: 22/01101/VAR
Application Date: 09/03/2022
Closing Date: 14/04/2022
Address: 47 Edward Street, Lower Weston, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment